Chapter 7 Flashcards

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Lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong.
Civic journalism
Abandoning the notion that journalists and their audiences are disinterested spectators in political and social processes. (See “Public Journalism”)
Cognitive structure
The organizing aspect of thinking, which monitors and directs the choice of thoughts; implies an “executive processor” that determines when to continue, interrupt, or change thinking patterns.
Emphasizes the need to balance individual rights and interests with that of the community as a whole, and says that citizens are shaped by the cultures and values of their communities and individuals need to lead freely chosen lives. Source: Standard Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Cultural imperialism
The concern that a more powerful nation’s culture, when introduced in another nation, begins to dominate that other nation’s culture. Examples include Roman influence several millennia ago; European nations in South America, Africa, and Asia; and the United States’ media culture (especially television and film) in contemporary times.
A lifestyle based solely on pleasing yourself through the use of success, ambition, influence, pleasure, and enjoyment of life.
Not within society’s standards of acceptable, honest, and moral behavior; morally wrong.
Instrumental values
Values that help people reach their desired goals, such as being ambitious, broadminded, capable, cheerful, clean, courageous, etc.
Highly abstract or abstruse; a description of values.
Absence of moral or ethical standards; lacking a moral sense.
Prima facie duties
Rules or obligations that make intuitive sense “at first glance” or “on their face.” They play a role in determining what a person ought to do in any ethical situation. Being “prima facie,” they are subject to being overridden by other duties, i.e., it is a duty to do a certain act if no conflicting act carries a greater duty. These rules are general, deeply rooted, and intuitively apparent, according to philosopher W.D. Ross. A  list of seven prima facie obligations proposed by Ross: fidelity, reparation, gratitude, non-maleficence, justice, beneficence, and self-improvement. (See “Actual Duty,” “Duty Proper,” “Ross”)
A universal value that emerges from the sacredness of human life.
Public journalism
Abandoning the notion that journalists and their audiences are disinterested spectators in political and social processes.
Terminal values
Values or goals that people would like to reach during their life, such as a comfortable life, an exciting life, a sense of accomplishment, a world at peace, etc.
Term originated from the Latin valere meaning “to be of worth.” Represents the collective conception of what individuals or communities find desirable, important, and morally proper. Values also serve as the criteria for evaluating our own personal actions and the actions of others.
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Dr. Chris Roberts

Associate Professor

Department of Journalism and Creative Media at the University of Alabama.

© Chris Roberts 2022
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